Saturday, November 2, 2013

------------@ OuR 5th WeDdInG aNnIvErSaRy @------------

 080813, it has been five years mE and en.Hubby have been married! I still remember our big day, no one was more emotional than mE when en.Hubby said the word of the akad nikah on our solemnization day... even after five years of marriage, with ups and downs, I can say that we're definitely still enjoying being the couple like 16 years ago and our love still growing... Fyi, en.Hubby and I have been high school sweethearts since form 3... haha it almost half of our life! 

Alhamdulillah... Thank you Allah for decreeing Mr. Sharul Nizam Ahmad as my husband, my best friend, my soul mate, my partner in this life and the next... to en.Hubby, thanks for being a good and lovely babah to our miracle son Raes Zafran and Imam to us... 

We had celebrated our 5th anniversary with a Dinner at Laman Grill Steak & Bar-B-Que Restaurant and en. Hubby gave the surprise present to me... wow speechless jap... oh so sweet! TQ sayang...

TQ en. Hubby for the surprise lovely pressie on our 5th anniversary... I love the ring! 
Dinner :)

my happy family :) 
May our marriage stay with love and lasts till Jannah, Amin...


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