Thursday, August 12, 2010

Raes Zafran ~ 3 -months-old

Happy 3 months old darling mama!!! Alhamdulillah, today lil raes exactly 3 months old... chubby sgt anak mama nie...

His face is rounder, his cheeks are drooping lower, his pout goes further than his nose and his neck is covered by his double chin...

People say he's nice to hold coz he's tough all around... Just take a look at those thighs!!! steady la anak mama =)...

Raes has shown so much development - he squeals, laughs (more like a chuckle really) and very responsive bila org agah-agah, he prefers to sit up and hang out with the adults (dah pandai borak anak mama nie) and dah start melasak ke kiri kanan bila baring osso boleh mengiring tapi belum pandai maniarap lagi...huhuhu chaiyook Raes!!!

It's such an amazing feeling to see Raes growing so well, so healthy, so chubby and so handsome!!! Alhamdulillah =)

Lotsa LovE,


NoR AzLiNa MoHd ZiN said...

comeynye baby u kak nak cubit jek...chubby ek dia..tah biler laa dpt jmpa dia live kan..huhu..smoga dia membesar dgn sehat n u too take care..lots of luv..=)

ashikin kemat said...

Tq ina... haah bila yer baby Raes dpt jumpe aunty ina nie kan?, gue pun kangen sama lu ina!!! raya nnti kot leh jumpe kalu free... leh collect duit raya dr aunty ina hikhikhik...


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