Monday, September 1, 2014

MeRdEKa !!!

Yesterday 31st August 2014 was Malaysia's 57th independence day AND my last day of confinement a complete 44 days, yeay!!! Alhamdulilah baby & mE were good and healthy... Merdeka to Malaysia and merdeka to mE! not that I've been really following all don't(s) strictly, but at least there would not be any more guilty when I go out... also I don't have to wear socks anymore!... actually I've already been out past two weeks for settlement my PhD purposes (scholarship/visa/passport/document legalisation & more...(nak buat guane kena buat jugak and terkejar2 masa)... I will story about this l8ter...

My lil princess RA now at one and half months, she starts to smile, gurgles, coos, laughs and squeals...

you make my heart melt darl!
lil bam bam :)

brother-sister bonding

sweety ;)


mama & lil RA*_*


1 comment:

dorsett pink said...

Hye ashikin.. nice to meet u. I am also a phd student in local university (malaysia). And a mummy as well. I read your birth story and your baby was borned a month after my baby was borned in the same hospital, annur specialist hosp.. well, good luck for your study aite. Perhaps to hear more your stories


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