Hi peeps,
Here is compilation of 2 posts... hahaha lama dh nk tulis tp xkesempatan, tetiba harini semangat berblog &berpeluang since my lil princess RA sedang lena beradu... It's a bit long post and I start with:
The birth story of lil RA
I started having menstrual-like cramps on Friday morning (18th July 2014). Despite this being the third time, I was still a little unsure if I was in labor or it was a false alarm... I decided not to go to the hospital until the bloody show (mucus) from the vaginal or my water breaks... After solat zuhor, the contractions suddenly came and I felt discharge coming out from my vagina... I went to the toilet and found some bloody mucus on my panties. "This must be it... I'm in labor!"... After one hour, I asked my dad to send me to the hospital... At the hospital, midwife came to check my dilation... VE done and I was dilated 3 cm... she asked the nurse to admit me bcoz this is my second labour, she estimated the baby will come out at night or next morning... Since it was in Ramadhan, en.Hubby asked me to break fast even it just few hours more to maghrib, so I have enough energy to push l8ter... We solat isya' & tarawikh in the room berjemaah... I pray that labour will occur naturally within 24hrs bcoz I don't wanna be induced again!...Around 11 pm, the nurse came for ctg (cardiotograph) and blood pressure check up, from the ctg result it shown my contractions was every 5 minutes and my dilation was still 3 cm... Bit disappointed that time bcoz I was so eager to meet my little one...
The next day morning, I felt the contractions more and more... At around 12.00 noon, the contraction was stronger and more intense which was every 3 minutes... I asked en.Hubby to call the nurse and she straightly sent me to the labor room... The midwife started to do VE to check my dilation and at that time it was 4-5 cm dilated... She then monitored the baby's heart rate and everythin' was fine... I started reciting ayattul Qursi, doa Nabi Yunus " La ilaha illa anta, Subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zholimin" while waiting for the doctor to break my water... The midwife asked me for epidural but I politely said no... Doctor came at around 1.40 pm to break my water & things did speed up right after that... The contraction was maintain and super duper strong... Everythin' happened so fast, I couldn't believe it was really happening! masyaAllah... At around 3.00 pm, I suddenly felt like nak terberak so en.Hubby called out the midwife... She was kinda surprised it happened quicker and quickly called a doctor... I was pushing and pushing and pusshhingg and finally the baby's head popped out... Pheww!! thanks to en.Hubby which managed to snap the pics of the whole process... At 3.20 pm, my baby girl was born!... Alhamdulillah syukur everything was normal and quick... I can't believe I was in the labour process for only an hour plus after my water broke (first time was almost 4 hours!)... May be ithis is berkat my doa' di bulan mulia ini agar dipermudahkan segala urusan kelahiran baby... Thank you Allah...
Fresh from my womb ... |
My second time confinement & Syawal 1435H
It's a bit challenge to me this time... Late Ramadhan & Aidilfitri during confinemet... As being confined, I definitely can't eat the raya foods (ketupat, rendang, lemang, kuah kacang etc..) Not et all huuwaaa! tu la len kali kena rancang ye kalu nk berpantang tu jgn di bulan syawal... Like previously, I have to berpantang sendiri bcoz my mom still working... I chose Traditional Confinement Service for 1 week "Pakej Pantang" and the service was awesome... Tq Eza for the best service... My menu for breakfast/tea/supper: I only can eat Milo/Horlick with wheat crackers... for lunch & dinner: plain rice with steam fish (isi tenggiri/isi ikan merah & ikan selar only) + garlic chives/mustard flower, NR Phytonatal & NR Akar Herbanika... Basically the food should not be fattening, oily & 'sejuk'... Besides, putting on 'bengkung', always wearing socks, pilis, param and bertungku perut & badan...
Lil RA is our anugerah syawal and brings double celebration to us this raya... TQ to all families members & friends for giving RA first duit raya yang sangat2 meriah... Even today is already 21th Syawal, I think it still not too late for mE to wish all my blogger friends "SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN" for all the wrong doings... kosong-kosong ye :), raya kan sebulan ahakss...
p/s: just to share the maternity delivery package @ HPAN BBBangi
Till then!